Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Teaching Social Emotional Intelligence (SEL) Using Music

Teaching Social Emotional Intelligence (SEL), Resilience, Values, Morals, and Character with Music | Grades 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 | Values and Character | Emotional Intelligence Lessons
Social-Emotional Intelligence is a bigger predictor of academic success due in part; students with high Social Emotional Intelligence adapt better to our high stress and high stakes classroom. Teaching students empathy, resiliency, compassion, humility, character, honor, duty, and civility is more important today with the changes to society. Character and values education starts in the home with parents and elders teaching them values. Students used to have this reinforced at school with daily scripture readings, morality "fairy" tales, and classic fables to educate the young about right and wrong. Young ones learned about the perils of lying, pride, anger, and selfishness vicariously and safely through the characters in the stories. I use music daily in addiction to fairytales and fables to build social-emotional intelligence.
Music is a powerful tool that evokes positive, inspirational, and even sympathetic emotions and impacts the perception of content. We know that adding or stimulating emotions stimulates learning and speeds retention and memory. Think of all the movies, plays, and concerts that have amazed and inspired you with music. Create a soundtrack for your daily classroom lessons and watch students emotional intelligence increases and learning ignites.

Music can take the rote or mundane task that must be mastered and make them Epic in Importance with the right music!

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