Sunday, March 23, 2014

Thinking, Fast and Slow in Your Classroom!

Thinking, Fast and Slow by Daniel Kahneman | "System 1 Thinking" is fast, reactionary, impassioned, emotional thinking that qualitatively is prone to errors and biases. A stab in the dark or blind guessing (Dionysian); "System 2 Thinking" is a slower, more deliberative, deductive, logical, reasoned, and analytical approach (Apollonian). The Apollonian and the Dionysian are philosophical concepts represented by a dichotomy, or dialectic, between the greek figure of Apollo who is ruled by logic and the mind, and Dionysus who is ruled by the heart and passion. Why does it matter? Inspector Clouseau vs. Sherlock Holmes, who is running the learning, thinking, and problem-solving in your classroom? 

Is unexamined untrained fast-thinking part of a systemic problem in classrooms today? Students may make "System 1" fast automatic (Hurestical) responses that can and are often wrong, or biased, yet never engage "System 2" slow thinking processes due to a lack of instructional structures, tactics, and strategies (Practiced and Logically Trained Heuristics). Classroom teachers may give priority to fast thinking processes over slow thinking processes because of a lack of instructional time or understanding of the Socratic, Heuristic, and/or the Praxis processes. Understanding the thinking process and Hurestics is the first step in monitoring students thinking and seeking a greater depth of knowledge. Understanding Heuristics and new developments in the neurosciences and brain research will improve teacher performance and student outcomes. System 2 or slow thinking models need to be built into classroom lessons and curriculum (Socratic Seminars). The fast-thinking systems should be examined, tested, improved, and implemented in many academic areas including math (Singapore Math Method. 13 Heuristic in mathematics)

     Using Mortimer Adler treatise on How to Read a Book as a foundation for incorporating System 2 (slow) thinking is one key to developing higher-order thinking in students. Using the latest brain research to develop curriculum and instructional strategies with a focus on developing higher orders of analytical reading and Syntopical reading will help students prepare for college and career-ready goals. Sean 

The Levels of Reading | How to Read a Book by Mortimer Alder 
A. Elementary: "What does the sentence/book say?"
B. Inspectional: "What is the book about? What kind of book is it?"
C. Analytical: "What does the book mean?"
D. Syntopical: "How does it compare with other books?"

Thinking, Fast and Slow  by Nobel Memorial Prize winner in Economics Daniel Kahneman which summarizes research that he conducted over decades, often in collaboration with Amos Tversky In the book's first section, Kahneman describes the two different ways the brain forms thoughts:
System 1: Fast, automatic, frequent, emotional, stereotypical, subconscious
System 2: Slow, effortful, infrequent, logical, calculating, conscious 

  The Video below gives a quick overview of fast and slow thinking, and should give all teachers something to think about. Sean

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